Mini Mobile lighting Tower
Description:Mini Mobile Lighting Tower for Remote Area Lighting System is a self-contained, rechargeable, battery-powered light source with multi-position telescoping mast that reaches a height of 3 meter. It is built to go off-road where trucks and vehicles can’t. Rechargeable Mini Mobile Light Tower is a rapid deploying, emergency area light, self contained inside a strong Protector Case
Product Specification
An Intelligent Control system allows for variable light output levels from 1 to 100% power, and calculates and displays current battery life, allowing the user to regulate the intensity of the light and choose the desired run time. Remote control operation is supported via a free app for Android and connects via Bluetooth to give full control of on/off switching and variable output selection.
- All components fold into the watertight case for storage.
- Bright energy-efficiency lights
- Automatic photocell-controlled on/off
- Manual operating mode
- Silent operation
- Bluetooth - Optional
- Battery powered
- Built in Charger and Silent operation
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